This is The Redeemed Christian Church of God, The Lord’s Vine Harlow Essex where God reigns supreme.

1. We welcome those worshiping with us for the first time today. You are not here by accident but by His divine arrangement.  Please remember to fill the guest card given to you and return it to ushers and wait behind to meet with the Evangelism team after the service.

2. The Redeemed Christian Church of God 100 days fasting and prayer continues and there is a virtual corporate break of fast prayer meeting holding between 5:30 to 6:00pm via our telephone conference line except on Wednesday (Bible study) and Friday (Weekly Prayer meeting). All of us are expected to be part of this spiritual exercise.

The following options are available:

  1. If you want to break everyday—100days
  2. To fast for 14days continuously —28days
  3. To fast for 21days continuously —63days
  4. To fast for 30days continuously —100days
3. The RCCG Region 3 Conference, themed “Onward in Ministry” is coming up on Friday, 7th and Saturday 8th February. The venue is Dominion Assembly, 2B Gloucester Road, Liverpool, LE6 4DS. The Conference is for Pastors and Ministers only. Please use the link on Workers Platform to register to attend.
4. Our monthly night vigil and Holy Communion service is this Friday 14th February. Come along and pray until something happens.
5. The Church Solemn Assembly comes up on Saturday 22 February. It is a time of solemnity and sobriety of heart before God for forgiveness of sins. Let us all endeavour to attend. Programme will be from 11am to 6pm. Food will be available to break your fast.
6. Our weekly activities are as follows
*Good morning Jesus holds every Monday from6:00am-6:30amvia Telephone Conference line.
*The church Bible Study (Digging Deep) holds on WednesdaysViaZoom by 6:30pm. Meeting ID: 856 4517 0357 Passcode: 584850.
*Friday Prayer meeting by 7pm at the church auditorium.

7. Our House Fellowship holds every 2nd & 4th Sunday evening via zoom between 6.00pm – 7.00pm. Every member is encouraged to join through the zoom link on our WhatsApp platform

8. Break of fast Prayer Meeting: everyday except on Wednesday and Friday                             between 5:30pm – 6:00pm

9. Weekly bulletin and pastor’s word for the week now available on our church website -








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