You are important to God and to us. What you are is God’s gift to you and what you become is your gift to God. We want to take you as you are and help you by his grace to become what God wants you to be. We cannot change what you are but certainly we can be a godly influence in what you become. There are three things to consider:
1. What you become is your choice- there is a power that you have that no man on earth can take from you. It is the power of your will. This confers on you the ability to choose. Your choice is a function of your will. We want you to know from the onset that whatsoever you become in this church or your personal life is primarily your choice.
2. What you become is your responsibility- “But let each one examines his own work and then he will have rejoicing in himself alone and not in another. For each one shall bear his own load”(Gal.6:4-5). Whatever you become, be ready to take responsibility for it. Do not become what you cannot take responsibility for.
3. What you become will affect others- You can motivate and challenge others by what you become. Similarly, you can discourage and embitter others by your life. “Then the Lord said to Satan, have you considered my servant Job, that there is none like him on earth, a blameless and upright man, one who fears God and shuns evil”(Job1:8). Like Job, we believe God can be proud of you too.
In becoming what God want you to be, you will need:
1. Consecration- Make or declare yourself sacred because you belong to God.“ I beseech you brethren by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice…….”(Rom12:1). This you will do by daily yielding yourself to God in prayer and in the studying of the Bible.
2. Dedication- By devoting yourself wholeheartedly to God and to His service. This does not imply that you will have to become ordained as a minister; rather it means that God and things of God will take first priority in your heart.
3. Commitment- You will have to engage yourself or be obligated to a specific cause/work in the service of God. Lack of commitment may result in backsliding. Find something in the church to expend your God-given talent on so that you can be a blessing to others.
We stretch our right hand of fellowship to you and invite to come boldly to the throne of grace of God where you can receive mercy and obtain grace that will help you in the time of need. Now is your set time to become what God wants to you to be. I believe strongly that your waiting is over. The time of bad news of pain, disappointments, failures and delays are over. The Lord is eagerly waiting to usher you in to an era of success and cause you to lay hold of the His glorious promises. Now is the time to possess your possession.
Remain blessed.
Pastor Ade Oluwayinka (Head Pastor)